Monday, February 28, 2011

By the Time You Read This, I'll be Dead pg. 1-30

This is the 2nd time I have read this book. For some reason, although its creepy, I love books like this. They really grab my attention and keep me hanging on. I feel like everytime I reread a book I catch new things I never noticed the first time around. The chapter titles are really interesting. They're days counting down. The first chapter is "23 Days" meaning 23 days until she commits suicide. Its so dark and scary but so interesting. The book starts off describing a place where Daelyn is a lot of the time, and a person who changes her life. A bench outside of her school where she waits for her parents to pick her up everyday, and a white headed, tall, skinny boy who creepily sits by her, on the same bench. It starts off her just waiting for her parents, and the awkward silence between her and the boy. He watches her, but she makes no eye contact, for she doesn't make contact with anyone. Her mother picks her up, and is on her way home when she says she needs a few things at Walmart. After, it goes into a flash back. She talks about how her mother once went to a local store before they went home because she needed a few groceries. That is when she had her first "wack attack". She couldn't breath and paniked, screamed, honked the horn, and basically went crazy. Her mother was humiliated. Ever since, she hasn't left her alone. But her "wack attack" isn't the reason. Her parents can't leave her alone because she is on 24 hour suicide watch.

There is a break in the story, and the next chapter is talking about her website she found. .. A website basically setting up your suicide. Everything is anonymous, but you can read posts by other members about their lives and why they want to be out of the world. Its really sad to me. Daelyn has been bullied and made fun of her whole life. People have constantly made fun of her weight, her looks, her personality, and basically everything about her. For the most part, the next few pages just talk about her struggles through life and all the mean things people did to her. It also talks about the website and what other people talk about. Another interesting thing to me is, Daelyn cannot speak. She wears a neck brace, but hasn't released why or why she can't speak. I guess this is something we will find out later, huh?

I think this book is extremely sad. It sickens me that people think this way. I know this book isn't true, but I know some people go through this and it is devistating. I know I would hate to feel the way she does everyday. She hates living, has no joy in her life whatsoever, and lives her teenage years thinking of which way of commiting suicide would be best. That is no way a high schooler should live their life. I love this book and I am excited to continue.

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