Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Go Ask Alice - Anonymous pg. 111-170

I noticed that in this book, things seem to change very quickly. One minute she is on drugs and the next shes with clean, at her house with her family. It seems so unreal to me, but I obviously don't live the same lifestyle as she does. Where I left off, she was basically at her lowest point. She was homeless, poor, and on drugs. She would do just about anything to get her hands on something to get her high. She doesn't know what time, date, or even year it is. She is living for nothing but drugs. One day, she stumbles across a church, and talks to the priest who understands young people. The priest calls her parents, and the cycle begins yet again. Her parents are absolutely ecstatic to hear from her. They beg her to return home, and she agrees. After a few more days of wandering the streets, she begins her journey home. On her way, she rereads what she had written over the last few weeks in her journal. She was appalled by her own writing! She thought it was all a lie, because she didn't believe any of it. She stated that someone evil and foul wrote her journal. She considered herself insane. Since she was "getting her life back on track" because she was going home, she decided to start a new journal to go along with her "new life". When she got home, she was the happiest girl on the planet. She hung out with her family, went back to school, and started getting back into the swing of things. People at school still considered her a druggie and tormented her about it, but other than that, things seemed to be going alright. She keeps going to school, spends a lot of time studying, and then things go down hill. Her grandpa has a stroke, and eventually passes away. People at school really start hassling her about drugs, and her family is devastated about their loss. Kids start threatening her, putting joints in her purse trying to get her in trouble. She started going to the universities library where her father worked. She met a boy named Joel, and she adores him. They begin to really like eachother, and her family likes him too. Unfortunately, her grandmother passes away, and once again her family was upset. Everything was going alright, when all of a sudden a the book changed drastically. It went from good, to bad in one post. I had to reread it because I thought I took it wrong. She was in an insane asylum. She was talking about her hands all bandaged up because they looked like raw hamburger, and how chunks of her hair was missing. Her body was one big bruise, and I was so confused. She was having weird dreams about maggots eating her away .. It was so weird. Finally, I found out someone drugged her drink while she was babysitting. She went into the closet and hurt herself until she couldn't anymore. Her hands were completely raw, her hair was gone and her entire body was either bloody or bruised. She was basically in a body cast. Someone put a bad mix of drugs into her drink and she didn't know it, and had a bad trip. Its terrible.

I feel bad for her, because she was finally getting back on track. Her life was beginning to be somewhat normal again, and she was starting to be happy again. People were so brutal to her for no reason. After all the things that she went through, she went into an insane asylum for something she didn't even do. Its absurd to me! I'm angry just writing about it and I don't even know the girl. She made a lot of mistakes, but I feel bad for her.

This made me laugh so hard I almost cried. I love babies, especially laughing ones.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Go Ask Alice - Anonymous pg. 65-111

I can barely set the book down. Its like shes turning into a completely different person... slowly morphing into the person she is when shes on drugs. So many things have happened in so short of a time its almost overwhelming! Like I said in the last post, her and Chris ran off to San Fransisco with barely any money and no plan for anything. They find a dirty, smelly, old apartment with one room and a used matress for a bed. They both find jobs, and are barely living. They rarely think about drugs, until Sheila, Chris' boss at work, invites them to a high class party where people are smoking pot. Soon, Sheila introduces them to heroin, which got them into a lot of bad situations. Finally, they both ran off to Berkeley and started their own boutique. They turned their aparentment into a really cute showroom and made pretty good money on the things they were selling. The kids who came in there always talked about selling/using drugs, and it got old to the girls. Finally, they called their parents and took the next flight home. Their parents cried with joy and brought them in with open arms. The girls couldn't be more excited.

It was Christmas time, and she spent time with her family. She was having the time of her life, and soon went back to school. She went to dances, hung out with friends, and it was almost like she had been in high school all along. Everything was going great until she started selling to kids at school. Once she got back into the drug scene again, she went out of control. One day when she was high, she hitch hiked to Denver with nothing but the clothes on her back. Shes basically homeless, sleeping on the streets and eating at the homeless shelter, until she meets Doris, who lets her live with her at her apartment. This apartment is worse than the one in San Fransisco, and all she has now is smelly clothes and drugs. Shes at the lowest point in her life at this point.

This book is addicting! I can't wait to finish it. It blows my mind that someone could mess up their life this much for drugs. Unfortunately, its reality and its happening more and more everyday. She lived a perfectly good life with a good family and money. Drugs took over her life and now that is all she thinks about. She would give up anything to be high. Its really sad.

Funniest Office on this planet.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Food Network is my weakness. I'm watching Iron Chef American and lovin' every minute of it :)
Go Ask Alice - Anonymous pg. 21-65

So far so good. I am really starting to get into the book more... At first I was hesitant because of the way she wrote things. You can definately tell it was written a long time ago. Anyway, after she moved to a new school and was absolutely miserable there, her mother promised her she could stay the next summer at her grandmothers house. She was so excited she could hardly wait. Her mother constantly nagged at her, and was always comparing her to her siblings, which made her even more elated to leave over the summer. Finally, she met a friend named Beth. Beth lived only 3 blocks away from her and loves to read just like her. She is wealthy, jewish, and has a live-in maid (which really impresses her). Her parents adore Beth, and they are inseperable. They are best friends and do absolutely everything together until summer comes and Beth goes to summer camp. They are devistated, but part ways at the beginning of the summer. Finally, she gets to grams and is so bored she can hardly stand it. All she does is read, watch tv, and loaf in bed. Finally, she ran into an old friend named Jill who says she will call her the next day for a party with friends. Thats when it all began.

Jill called at exactly 10:32. She could barely contain herself because of her excitement... She thinks for hours how she will do her hair and what she will wear. Finally its time for the party and when she arrives everyone is very nice. They were friendly, relaxed, and accepted her like she had always been part of the group. A little while after everyone arrived, a boy brought out a tray of coke and they played "button, button, whose got the button?" She didn't know what that was, but didn't ask. She took a coke and sipped it slowly. She noticed everyone watching everyone else, and began to feel something strange. She could smell from a mile away and hear a pindrop. She laughed hysterically and saw swirls of colors. She felt as if she was floating in another world and couldn't describe how amazing she felt. She finally found out her coke had LSD in it and didn't know whether to be ashamed or excited. She promised herself she would never do drugs again, but when she met Bill and he introduced her to torpedos, speed, and acid. Although she was constantly paranoid about the drugs, and also about being pregnant, her life was alright until she ran into Rodger who confessed his love for her. She considered her life over because if he ever found out about what she had been doing he would hate her. He goes to military school, but they write back and forth because they are "in love". Because she is so paranoid and cannot sleep, her doctor gives her sleeping pills and tranquilizers which she also gets addicted to. She soon meets a girl named Chris, who she starts using drugs with. They become best friends, and she gets hired at the same place Chris works. She is introduced to pot, and starts to become "hippy looking" as her parents say. She meets a boy, Richie, who she is "in love" with until she finds out he is using her to sell his drugs. She and Chris decide to run off to San Francisco and go out on their own without telling their parents. She leaves her family a note, and is gone.

This book is getting very addicting. Its starting to get where I can barely put the book down because I want to find out what happens next. I am super glad I started it. I can't wait until Tuesday to read it in class :-).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Go Ask Alice - Anonymous pg. 1-20

I started this book today with an open mind. Since many people have suggested this book to me, I of course had to read it and see what all the buzz was about. This book is about an actually diary of a 15-year-old drug user. That caught my eye right from the get-go because I really enjoy dark books like this. The diary of this girl started on September 16th. It started out sort of slow for me because she is very enthusiastic about everything .. Always putting exclimation points and repeating herself all the time. The wording was very old-timish, which sort of bugged me at first ... But I got over it. She is in love with this boy named Rodger at her school, who unfortunately stood her up. Thinking losing weight would make Rodger notice her, she lost 10 pounds, which didn't work. She hated going to school, afraid she would incounter an awkward run-in with Rodger. She believed her life was nothing (typical of a heart broken 15-year-old girl) until she meets a new boy named Scott, who she goes to a movie with. No matter what Scott did, she couldn't forget about her "one true love" Rodger. I can already tell shes insecure with herself, always talking about her weight and how she wishes she was wealthy, beautiful, popular, and wishes boys liked her. She almost obsessed over boys liking her already. Its sad. I feel bad for her.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years passed by. Shortly after, she discovered her, her parents, and her two siblings, Alexandria and Tim, were moving because of her fathers job. She was extremely excited to move and start a new life at a new school. Her little brother and sister automatically found friends, but she didn't. She was really nervous to go to school in a new town where she knew no one. Her first day was miserable, and she was even more depressed when she came home to her entire family talking about how amazing everything is for them. She says "Well, like oil and water, I can't quite adapt or fit." I think thats sad.

Well, so far I think the book is pretty good. She seems like a normal teenage girl just trying to figure out who she is. I'm really excited to start getting into the book and to hear her story. It really interests me, especially because its a true story. I like true stories .. Especially ones like this. Its horrifying reality I suppose. I'll make sure to read more of it tomorrow.
Just me and my friends jokin' around :P