Sunday, January 16, 2011

Go Ask Alice - Anonymous pg. 21-65

So far so good. I am really starting to get into the book more... At first I was hesitant because of the way she wrote things. You can definately tell it was written a long time ago. Anyway, after she moved to a new school and was absolutely miserable there, her mother promised her she could stay the next summer at her grandmothers house. She was so excited she could hardly wait. Her mother constantly nagged at her, and was always comparing her to her siblings, which made her even more elated to leave over the summer. Finally, she met a friend named Beth. Beth lived only 3 blocks away from her and loves to read just like her. She is wealthy, jewish, and has a live-in maid (which really impresses her). Her parents adore Beth, and they are inseperable. They are best friends and do absolutely everything together until summer comes and Beth goes to summer camp. They are devistated, but part ways at the beginning of the summer. Finally, she gets to grams and is so bored she can hardly stand it. All she does is read, watch tv, and loaf in bed. Finally, she ran into an old friend named Jill who says she will call her the next day for a party with friends. Thats when it all began.

Jill called at exactly 10:32. She could barely contain herself because of her excitement... She thinks for hours how she will do her hair and what she will wear. Finally its time for the party and when she arrives everyone is very nice. They were friendly, relaxed, and accepted her like she had always been part of the group. A little while after everyone arrived, a boy brought out a tray of coke and they played "button, button, whose got the button?" She didn't know what that was, but didn't ask. She took a coke and sipped it slowly. She noticed everyone watching everyone else, and began to feel something strange. She could smell from a mile away and hear a pindrop. She laughed hysterically and saw swirls of colors. She felt as if she was floating in another world and couldn't describe how amazing she felt. She finally found out her coke had LSD in it and didn't know whether to be ashamed or excited. She promised herself she would never do drugs again, but when she met Bill and he introduced her to torpedos, speed, and acid. Although she was constantly paranoid about the drugs, and also about being pregnant, her life was alright until she ran into Rodger who confessed his love for her. She considered her life over because if he ever found out about what she had been doing he would hate her. He goes to military school, but they write back and forth because they are "in love". Because she is so paranoid and cannot sleep, her doctor gives her sleeping pills and tranquilizers which she also gets addicted to. She soon meets a girl named Chris, who she starts using drugs with. They become best friends, and she gets hired at the same place Chris works. She is introduced to pot, and starts to become "hippy looking" as her parents say. She meets a boy, Richie, who she is "in love" with until she finds out he is using her to sell his drugs. She and Chris decide to run off to San Francisco and go out on their own without telling their parents. She leaves her family a note, and is gone.

This book is getting very addicting. Its starting to get where I can barely put the book down because I want to find out what happens next. I am super glad I started it. I can't wait until Tuesday to read it in class :-).

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