Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Royal Wedding

I can't wait for the royal wedding. It will be fascinating!!! I'm mostly excited to see the venue and the wardrobe... :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"A soccor Phenom Puts the "I" in Team"

What she can do with a soccer ball absolutely blows my mind. I was fascinated just watching her for ten seconds! I think its awesome that shes so devoted to soccer and being the best she can be. It takes a lot of time and effort for someone to do that, and I find it cool that shes following her dreams and giving up her teenager lifestyle to practice soccer freestyle. The article mentioned something I found interesting. It said she wasn't on the girls team at her school because she thought she would get better practicing with boys. I think this is kind of weird, just because if you love soccer you should participate with your school. Yes, boys are good at soccer too, but she isn't a boy. When she plays for college she will be playing with girls, so she should practice with girls to get used to it. Boy's sports and girl's sports are obviously very different, which is why I think she should play with the girls. Thats just my opinion though. Even though I disagree with her decisions to do with playing with the team, I commend her for believing in herself and following her dreams.

"High School Seniors Predict Their Future"

I thought this article was extremely interesting. I think it's cool that New York Times did this. I think the girl who wants to be a hair/make up disigner would be really good at that. She looks like the type of person who would enjoy that. I thought the guy who wanted to bake marijuana and the girl who wanted to be an actress was pushin' it a little bit .... (lol). I think everyone should have a dream and a back up plan, just in case. You never know how things will pan out in the future. I think its awesome that they all have a dream though. I enjoyed listening to everything they had to say. In 10 years from now, I see myself married and having children. My real dream is to raise a family. I adore kids. For my job, I see myself being some type of nurse maybe. My parents and I have been talking about it quite a bit and my two main choices would be a Pediatric Nurse or a Dental Hygenist. My dad thinks I should be some sort of doctor, but I highly doubt that will happen. Its nice he has big dreams for me though. It makes me feel good he believes I can do something like that. Anyway, I love kids like I said so a Pediatric Nurse would be a good field for me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sonshine Christian Acadamy

I absolutely adore my job. Watching kids go from barely walking to talking in full sentences makes my day. Roman (my favorite one, shh), knows how to spell his name, say the abc's, and say a word representing each letter. He just turned two ... It's shocking!! He is absolutely precious and I adore talking to him and all the others. Little kids have a lot to say if you actually listen to them. The fascinating thing about young children is they say whats on their mind and are honest about everything, even if it will embarrass you (lol). I sometimes wish I could have the life of a young kid again. People are so eager to grow up, that we forget about how amazing life really is. All my class at daycare needs are hugs, kisses, and bubbles and they're happy. It almost makes me jealous that they get so excited over the little things. I feel like as we get older, we need much more to be happy, and I wish it wasn't like that. If I got half as excited as they do over going outside or playing with bubbles i'd be the happiest teenager alive. They make me want to be a better/happier person, and appriciate the little things. I guess now that I think about it, I get much more out of my job than a paycheck.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I'm watching this show on Food Network called "Ice Brigade", and its pretty cool. At first, I just thought it was a random show because they were running out of ideas, but it is actually extremely fascinating. It intreigues me that they turn water into something as spectacular as this. Everyone has their talents, but this one is unbelivable!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I adore food network. I feel like a 40 year-old mom for saying it, but I would rather watch this or discovery health over anything, anyday. I've liked it since I was like, 12. Oh well, i'm proud of it. :P

Thursday, March 17, 2011


This is my dog Holly. I figured since I posted a picture of my cat it's only fair to post one of her ... She may be a physco, crazy, hyper little thing but I love her. I swear she never sleeps. Although she can be somewhat annoying, chews on all my stuff, and scratches me shes precious and amazing. Contradicting, I know. But who doesn't love their own dog?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Let Kids Rule The School" New York Times

I found this article SO interesting! Being a high school student, I can see how some students get frustrated with the curriculum. Sometimes, high school gets frustrating because you have no choices. At HHS you have more choices then you do at a lot of other schools, which is good, but at high schools in general you don't have many choices. I think it is really cool that those public schools let those students run their own school for a semester. Obviously, it worked considering the students who almost dropped out stayed in school and was eager to learn. I think it would be amazing if HHS let students do that, because we have a pretty good amount of drop-outs. It would be so much better if we could learn more of what we want!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Spellbound is an intriguing movie about the National Spelling Bee. Every time we watch it I just get more and more excited to get farther into the film. Although we haven't gotten to who wins yet, I know who takes the title (Thanks, Londen, for spoiling it for me). They interview spellers from different parts of the US, and it shocks me how different they all are. I think a lot of it have to do with their parents. Some parents are extremely competitive with it, and some are proud of their child no matter what. The two child-parent duos that stuck out to me were Neil and April. They were basically opposites. Neil's father was insanely serious about the competition, and I think he put a ton of pressure on him. His grandfather said that if Neil won the Bee, that he would feed 1,000 hungry people in India. I personally think this is just wrong. That is way to much pressure to be put on a young boy. Not only if he loses will he be upset for himself, but he will also feel guilty for not being able to feed hungry people in India. I'm sure he felt blame, since he didn't win, and I just think it is flat out wrong to do to anyone, yet alone a young boy. Although Neils father was strict, he taught him good methods for studying, and showed Neil how to always follow through with something whether you succeed or fail. On the other hand, April and her parents were extremely different. Her parents were easygoing, and even though they were serious about the spelling bee, they made it fun and made sure they let April know no matter how well she did they would be proud. You could tell how proud they were of April and how kind-hearted they were. Although her parents were a little strange, they were sweet and you could tell. April unfortunately didn't win either, which was okay because she was proud of herself for coming in 4th. Her dad said something about how he wouldn't be happier even if she came in 1st place, which shows a lot about him and shows he is genuinely proud of his daughter, which I think is really cool. Overall, all the students in this film were interesting, but I believe Neil and April really stood out. This was a really good movie and I would recommend it to anybody!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is my precious cat Laila. I love her. She is so mysterious and independent. I sound like a freaky cat lady and I promise i'm not .. I just enjoy her presence. It's a nice getaway from my dog Holly, who is honestly the most crazy dog you'll ever meet. I know alot of people say that, but trust me, it's true. Holly just isn't normal .. I thought maybe it was a puppy thing, but she isn't a puppy anymore. We actually have to give her medicene which is SUPPOSED to make her less hyper but it obviously doesn't work. She's a sweet dog though. I love her too, but Laila is awesome.

Jónsi - Go Do (Full Studio Version)

It wouldn't let me post the music video for some reason. I'm obsessed with this song all of a sudden. It just makes me want to dance in the rain. It makes me happy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Love Song by Carol Muske-Dukes

For some reason, it won't let me just paste this poem to my site, so I set it as a link. I highly suggest checking it out. It really depicts all the different sides of love and I find it extemely interesting. I'm not to sure why I like it so much, I can't really point it out exactly. I just really enjoy it.