Monday, March 21, 2011

Sonshine Christian Acadamy

I absolutely adore my job. Watching kids go from barely walking to talking in full sentences makes my day. Roman (my favorite one, shh), knows how to spell his name, say the abc's, and say a word representing each letter. He just turned two ... It's shocking!! He is absolutely precious and I adore talking to him and all the others. Little kids have a lot to say if you actually listen to them. The fascinating thing about young children is they say whats on their mind and are honest about everything, even if it will embarrass you (lol). I sometimes wish I could have the life of a young kid again. People are so eager to grow up, that we forget about how amazing life really is. All my class at daycare needs are hugs, kisses, and bubbles and they're happy. It almost makes me jealous that they get so excited over the little things. I feel like as we get older, we need much more to be happy, and I wish it wasn't like that. If I got half as excited as they do over going outside or playing with bubbles i'd be the happiest teenager alive. They make me want to be a better/happier person, and appriciate the little things. I guess now that I think about it, I get much more out of my job than a paycheck.

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