Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"High School Seniors Predict Their Future"

I thought this article was extremely interesting. I think it's cool that New York Times did this. I think the girl who wants to be a hair/make up disigner would be really good at that. She looks like the type of person who would enjoy that. I thought the guy who wanted to bake marijuana and the girl who wanted to be an actress was pushin' it a little bit .... (lol). I think everyone should have a dream and a back up plan, just in case. You never know how things will pan out in the future. I think its awesome that they all have a dream though. I enjoyed listening to everything they had to say. In 10 years from now, I see myself married and having children. My real dream is to raise a family. I adore kids. For my job, I see myself being some type of nurse maybe. My parents and I have been talking about it quite a bit and my two main choices would be a Pediatric Nurse or a Dental Hygenist. My dad thinks I should be some sort of doctor, but I highly doubt that will happen. Its nice he has big dreams for me though. It makes me feel good he believes I can do something like that. Anyway, I love kids like I said so a Pediatric Nurse would be a good field for me.

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